Christmas Eve
Join us for Christmas Eve at RCC! You can make plans to attend either the 3:00pm or 5:00pm service as we conclude our “What are we waiting for” Advent series!
Thanksgiving Celebration
We will have one service at 10:45am Sunday, November 24th, with a family meal of ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, and all the fixings! Stop by the Welcome Desk this Sunday or click here to sign up to bring turkey, ham, or mashed potatoes - many spots are still available for these items. Everyone else please bring a side dish or dessert.
"We are so grateful to be together this day to celebrate Anthony and wish he and his family God's very best!!"
An Evening of Prayer for our State & Nation
Tuesday, November 5th is an important day for Nebraska and for the United States of America. As a church, we want to gather together and spend some time praying for our state and nation on Sunday, November 3rd from 6:30-7:30pm in the RCC auditorium. Ultimately, we pray for His will to be done on this part of the earth as it is in Heaven, but we will also intercede for the lost and cry out for the causes that break our hearts. Anxieties over the future are natural, so come join your brothers and sisters in a guided hour of prayer and be encouraged in that gathering and in the sovereignty of God.
Harvest Party
Join us for some delicious chili & amazing cinnamon rolls as we celebrate fall at our annual Harvest Party!
Be sure to invite your friends and neighbors!
Stop by the Welcome Desk Sunday to sign up to bring chili or any of the fixings and also if you would like to help serve!
Men's Golf Outing
Men's Golf Outing and Men's Intersection Combo
Come to the RCC Men's Golf Outing on September 8th with a shotgun start at 4:30pm! We will be at Ashland Golf Club again this year. Register at the Welcome Desk as a team or individually (we'll put foursomes together as needed). Golf, cart, and prizes: $35. Please make checks payable to RCC with Men's Golf in the memo prior to Sept. 8.
New this year, we will combine our golf event with a Men's Intersection dinner and brief testimony. We are also planning a pre-dinner Pitch Tournament for those who don't want to golf. Dinner will include smoked meat, BBQ beans, and all the trimmings. Sign-up at the Welcome Desk!
Questions? Contact Jeff Brayfield, Graig Skartvedt, or Brad Roth
Long Wandering Prayer
Does your mind easily wander when you pray? Do you get frustrated that you can’t seem to focus or have you become bored with your prayer life? Maybe you are just looking for a deeper way to connect with God. Starting on August 4 at 7:00pm, we will take a 3-week journey into the ancient practice of long, wandering prayer. We will look at how to use the wandering of our minds to our advantage in prayer. Then, we will take a prayer walk on the final week of this prayer journey together. There is NO charge for materials or book to purchase. Sign up here: https://forms.gle/UrtT1bQ97GPeumT97 or at the Welcome Desk.
On SUNDAY, AUGUST 4TH at 10AM, we will be having our
BAP-TI-QUE & RCC's 4th Annual SMOKE OFF!
SMOKE-OFF COMPETITION - Email info@rccashland.org if you would like to be one of our amazing SMOKE- OFF 'Smokers'!
SIDE DISHES & OTHER HELPFUL THINGS - You can sign up to bring a side dish and serve here.
BAPTISMS - If you have chosen to follow Jesus, we invite you to take the next step of obedience to be baptized. Learn more about what RCC believes the Bible teaches about baptism here. Then pray about whether God is inviting you to get baptized at our Bap-ti-que service on August 4th! Email info@rccashland.org if you are interested or have questions.
Ladies Intersection
SAVE THE DATE: Join us Monday, July 29nd from 6:30 - 8pm for Ladies Intersection! Come and hear from one of our RCC ladies on how God has intersected her life!
The Chosen Movie Nights!
Enjoy pizza and fresh popcorn as we kick back at RCC for Friday Night Movie Nights! We are currently in the Chosen season 3. Join us starting at 7:00pm on Fridays!
Service Sunday
On Sunday, July 14th we're going to "worship through service." The plan is to meet at RCC at 9am - grab coffee and donuts - jump on a GO Team - and head out to selected areas to serve around town. At 11:30am, we'll all head back to RCC for a FREE taco meal together. Childcare from babies to 4-year-olds will be provided. This is a really cool opportunity for us to love on our community!
DR Trip Garage Sale Fundraiser
We are having a HUGE garage sale to help raise funds for the upcoming mission trip to the Dominican Republic! It is just around the corner and we need your help! Would you consider donating clothes, electronics, appliances, workout equipment, furniture, etc.? Really, any working items from your house, garage, or storage would be great! Just drop them off at RCC next week, June 24th - 28th.
VBS 2024
Grab your binoculars and don your life vest! We are off on a cruise through the jungle! Join us at RCC on June 10-14, from 9am-11:45am for The Great Jungle Journey VBS! All kids ages 4 years-old through 5th grade are welcome! Suggested donation of $10/child or $30/family. Questions? Please contact Maris at maris@rccashland.org or (402)-944-6134.
Want to volunteer at VBS? Click the link to see all of the serving opportunities!
RCC Movie Night
THE CHOSEN - FREE! Friday Night at the Show - Riverview Community Church
Come and see The Chosen with us! Doors open 6:30, showing 7-9, event ends 9:30pm.
SEASON ONE: April 5th : Episodes 1 & 2 ~ April 19th : Episodes 3 & 4 ~ May 3rd : Episodes 5 & 6 ~ May 10th : Episodes 7 & 8
We will be serving fresh popcorn and water!!! Bring a blanket and sit on the floor with your group or sit in RCC’s comfy chairs!!! All ages welcome ~ parental supervision requested for those under the age of 12.
Learn more about the content at https://thechosen.tv/en-us
Invite your family and friends!!!
Any questions? Email: Michelle@rccashland.org or Rick & Kelly Geiler kelly.m.geiler@gmail.com
New Year's Eve Service
Join us for one service on December 31, 2023 at 10:45am! This will be a time of reflection, worship, and communion with God.
Christmas Eve Services
Join us for Christmas at RCC on Sunday, December 24 at 9:00am or 10:45am.
Operation Christmas Child
Send the Gospel to the Ends of the Earth Without Leaving Home
Build a Shoebox Online
Shoebox gifts built online go to the ends of the earth to children in some of the hardest-to-reach places—whether deep jungles, city slums, steep mountainsides, or one of 1,000 remote Pacific islands. Many of these areas are resistant to the Gospel, for cultural or religious reasons, and are home to numerous unreached people groups, some of whom have never heard the Name of Jesus Christ.
When you Build a Shoebox Online, it provides believers in remote regions a creative way to share the Good News in a culturally sensitive manner. Online boxes are carefully prepared, abiding by strict customs regulations to safeguard partners who will deliver the gifts, as well as the boys and girls who receive them. Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations” (Matthew 28:19). Help fulfill the Great Commission and take the Gospel to the ends of the earth by building a shoebox online today!
Maris has created a RCC Build a Shoebox Online page that will add your “online shoebox” to our RCC total of shoeboxes packed this year. It only costs $25 to pack a shoebox online and is an easy way to participate without leaving home!
Thanksgiving Celebration
RCC FAMILY THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION –We will have one service at 10:45 am on Sunday, November 19th with a family meal of ham, turkey, mashed potatoes, and gravy. You can sign up here or at the Welcome Center to bring the main items, everybody else please bring a side or a dessert.
50+ Fellowship Group
It will be so good to gather at Loy and Kitt Watley's on Saturday, November 4, to catch up and swap books. Oh, and cheer on the FB Huskers when they play the Michigan State Spartans at 11:00am.
Membership Class
Have you been attending Riverview for a while now? Does RCC feel like your church home? Or are you interested in learning more about our church doctrine and structure? Consider attending RCC's next membership class after second service on October 29th to learn more about who we are, what we believe and how you can become a member. If you'd like to attend email us at info@rccashland.org.
Mental Health & Shame Conversation
All are invited to join us on October 24th, 6PM (doors open at 5:30) for a night focused on how shame and mental illness interact. This can be especially challenging for believers who are afflicted with mental illness or have afflicted loved ones. Navigating this landscape can be tricky. How do we navigate mental health care? What does the church have to say about it? How do we rid ourselves of the shame we feel continually hovering around us? We will have a panel of experts here to answer our questions.
Join us as our church family wades into these waters together...we can all learn how to better understand the mental health crisis we may be facing personally or in our families - a crisis we are undeniably facing in our culture.
Refreshments and childcare provided. Please speak with Michelle Powell or Paul Hakenkamp for more info. You can register for this event and submit your questions for the panel here. You can also email: michelle@rccashland.org.
Men’s Intersection
Guys, you won't want to miss the next Men's Intersection! Stop by the Welcome Desk to let them know you will be here and maybe sign up to help with the meal.
Harvest Party
We will eat awesome chili & amazing cinnamon rolls to celebrate fall at our annual Harvest Party! Sign up to serve and to bring chili or the fixings here. or at the Welcome Desk on Sunday.
Be sure to invite your friends and negihbors! All are welcome!
Men's Breakfast
Men - mark your calendar!
Men’s breakfast Saturday Sept 30th!
Shoulder to shoulder - shield to shield. Tackling life with our brothers!